A modern man living in urban conditions is cut off from the nature. It appears especially obvious in the minds of the city folks living far from the seas and oceans. And those who have been lucky enough to see the sea, usually do not even realize how rich and diverse the underwater world is.

Moscow Dive Show will present a multimedia interactive exposition by Coral Reef Science Center. 3D images and videos make a great format for visiting the underwater world and seeing some of the secrets hidden in the World ocean.


Using modern techniques and three-dimensional effect, Coral Reef Center in addition to an interesting show, offers accessible and entertaining education, when a person does not invade the nature, but acts only as an observer. Moreover, when creating the project, only "pure” non-destructive technologies are used.


The visitors will be able to see a real picture of life, not an artificially recreated one, as in a traditional aquarium. Here the brightest and most unusual representatives of the ocean are collected, most of them can rarely be found under water and cannot be found in the aquarium.

3D glasses are provided for viewing.

Visiting the exhibition is freeof charge.