Съедобные гиганты, битва дафнии и гидры, пульсирующие кораллы и проворные слизевики — самые неожиданные встречи на острове микроскопов «Тайны подводного микромира» на Moscow Dive Show 2024
На главнуюНовости Съедобные гиганты, битва дафнии и гидры, пульсирующие кораллы и проворные слизевики — самые неожиданные встречи на острове микроскопов «Тайны подводного микромира» на Moscow Dive Show 2024
03 Feb 2024
Every year, for big and small guests of the exhibition, a microscope zone is set up in the pavilion as a separate island, where, under the guidance of real scientists, you can look at tiny sea creatures, listen to popular science lectures, take part in quizzes and ask a million questions.
Activities on Microscope Island
Thursday, February 8, 16:00 - "Edible giants: kelp and others” Macrophyte algae live on the bottom of seas and oceans, forming real underwater forests that serve as a refuge for numerous inhabitants of the depths. Laminaria, well known to divers, is found both in the Far East and in our northern seas. Its huge leaf-shaped thalli are rich in iodine, polysaccharides and microelements and have long been used by humans as food ("sea kale salad” - that’s it, kelp!). What else is interesting about kelp and what other benefits, besides gastronomic, it and similar giant algae bring, will be explained in an interesting lecture, illustrated with data from scientific articles and underwater photographs.
Friday, February 9, 17:00 - "Pulsating Corals: Move to Live” Beloved by aquarists, Xenia, a representative of soft corals that lives on the reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, is famous for the pulsating movements of the corollas of its polyps, similar to delicate flower petals. But these beautiful, mesmerizing pulsations are part of a complex physiological mechanism that allows the coral to survive in the marine environment. During the lecture, you will not only be able to admire the xenia in the aquarium, but also feed it with zooplankton.
Saturday, February 10, 15:00 - "Everything flows, everything changes: these ubiquitous agile slime molds.” Slime molds, or myxomycetes, are lower fungi whose mycelium is in constant motion. Nikita Borzov, an employee of the Department of Mycology and Algology, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, will talk about this group of unique living creatures - the features of their structure, habits and distribution in nature. Despite the fact that most species of myxomycetes are inhabitants of land biocenoses, several species managed to penetrate the aquatic environment and become full-fledged inhabitants of the underwater world...
Saturday, February 10, 16:30 - "Hunter Games: Hydra vs Daphnia” Hydras attached to the bottom feed on small zooplankton, striking prey with stinging cells located in the tentacles. But can the small hydra cope with the large, agile daphnia? Everyone can become spectators of exciting battles broadcast on the screen - and try to guess the winner!
Sunday, February 11, 13:00 - "Hunter Games with Stacey” Quiz game in English for schoolchildren. The host of the program Stacey Sharp from England, a linguist, a teacher at Moscow State University, an ecologist and a traveler, will conduct her traditional show in English, the participants of which will learn a lot about food chains, who hunts whom, and who is hiding from whom in the seas and oceans. Prizes and souvenirs await the winners of the quiz!
* All lectures are accompanied by illustrative material on the screen and practical demonstration of living organisms.
* The candidate of biological sciences, Konstantin Neverov, is in charge of test tubes and research samples.
You can find out about other exhibition events from the poster https://www.diveshow.ru/afisha/ . Be sure to check the current time of the performance you are interested in closer to the start of the exhibition; changes in the program are possible.
The aquatic exhibition Moscow Dive Show 2024 will take place in the Gostiny Dvor of Moscow from February 8 to 11, 2024.