Начало учебного года — самое время поделиться «Азбукой выживания подо льдом», тем более, что и подлёдный сезон не за горами.

На главную Новости Начало учебного года — самое время поделиться «Азбукой выживания подо льдом», тем более, что и подлёдный сезон не за горами.

02 Sen 2024

So, Andrey Bizyukin, Andrey Porsev and Vladimir Fedyukin present the book "Organization of Under-Ice Dives and Conducting Diving Operations at a Significant Distance from the Ice Entry Point. ABC of Survival Under Ice"

The experience of several generations of ice divers, collected in one publication. Presented are current theoretical and practical information on the physical and natural features of the underwater under-ice environment, the specifics of individual diver equipment to ensure safe and effective diving under ice. The issues of organizing, preparing, conducting diving operations in winter conditions, in polar latitudes on the ice surface and under ice, risk factors and ways to minimize them are considered. The rules and regulations for organizing and conducting dives, features of under-ice navigation are given. Medical problems of under-ice diving and ways to solve them are discussed. Tables of difficulty coefficients of diving operations are compiled and a formula for calculating their cost is proposed.

The publication can be used as a teaching aid in courses for additional professional education of specialists whose activities are related to underwater technical work in cold water and under ice.

The book is sold on OZON https://ozon.ru/t/2PJ7ALp

and in the OpenDive store https://open-dive.ru/catalog/aksessuary/knigi/kniga-organizatsiya-podlyednykh-pogruzheniy-azbuka-vyzhivaniya-podo-ldom