Рекорды и мистика. Новая высокогорная экспедиция Константин Изотова и Юрия Кашина «Дорогами боевой славы»
На главнуюНовости Рекорды и мистика. Новая высокогорная экспедиция Константин Изотова и Юрия Кашина «Дорогами боевой славы»
17 Sen 2024
In August 2024, world record holders in high-altitude scuba diving, ambassadors of the Moscow Dive Show, NDL instructors Konstantin Izotov and Yuri Kashin made another expedition to the mountains and with their team set 6 world records at once. The expedition itself, which was not easy, was also full of mystical events, which the main organizers and participants of the expedition Konstantin Izotov and Yuri Kashin told in detail for the website "Ultimate Depth".
The Moscow Dive Show team congratulates all the participants of the expedition on its successful completion and the records set and is waiting for a detailed story about the journey and