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Hotels and liveaboards support

How do we help hotels and liveaboards find new clients at the Moscow Dive Show?

Among the primary measures of our support in this field, we can highlight the following:
- Facilitating B2B meetings with dive club and tour company owners and managers.
- Providing interpreters and staff for booth operations.
- Translating and printing brochures and flyers.
- Sharing news and announcements in social and printed media.
- Conducting email campaigns to reach all exhibition visitors, with a specific focus on industry professionals.
- Hosting a Free Lottery for the Show visitors.

Where Russians Are Diving?
Despite ongoing military actions in Ukraine, Russia remains a significant source of diving tourists for various global destinations. In some countries, Russia ranks in the top 3 or even leads in terms of incoming tourists, such as in the Maldives. The current top 10 dive tourism destinations for Russians include:
- Egypt
- Maldives
- Turkey
- Indonesia
- Philippines
- Malaysia
- Cuba
- Mexico
- Jordan (Aqaba)
- South Africa

What should be done before the Exhibition?
Let us emphasize the importance of engaging your potential customers before meeting them at the exhibition. This can be achieved by informing them about your advantages, routes, pricing, and individual and group booking conditions.
With four days of the Show and over 20,000 expected visitors, including more than 1,800 industry professionals, it's crucial to pay special attention to group bookings. Note that the exhibition draws the attention of owners and managers of dive clubs and travel companies who are actively making decisions for the upcoming season, booking dates, and placing deposits right on the exhibition grounds.Clear and well-formulated terms and conditions can greatly streamline and enhance the process of attracting new partners and private clients.

1-3 months before the exhibition, we will support foreign participants through the following measures:
- Inclusion of an announcement about your participation in the exhibition in a featured article in the exhibition issue of The Ultimate Depth Magazine. The issue will be released on the opening day of the exhibition, ensuring maximum visibility among its visitors, exhibitors, and other participants, as well as those who will read the magazine after the event concludes.
- Publishing an individual news release on the exhibition website moscowdiveshow.ru, Facebook, Instagram, and VK (the largest Russian social network).
- Email campaigns to all exhibition visitors from our database of over 29,000 verified emails collected over 8 years.
- Translation and printing of promotional materials. We will translate, design, print, and deliver your brochures and leaflets to the exhibition. The approximate cost for a double-sided A4 leaflet, 300 copies, including translation and design, is $200. We only will need the PDF version of your leaflet in English from you.
- Arrangements for an Interpreter and Assistant for your booth. We will proactively select staff who will assist not only with translation and interpreting during the exhibition but also with communication with visitors. You will have the opportunity beforehand to brief them about your business via Skype or WhatsApp, explaining nuances and highlighting key points. Prices are $130 per day for English, $150 for Spanish, Italian, French, and $200 for Chinese.

Our support measures during the exhibition:
- Exhibitors’ news, photos, and interviews will be posted daily.
 Our videographers and photographers will provide numerous posts and updates throughout all days of the Show dedicated to the participants, an ideal way to capture the attention of those planning to attend the exhibition.
- The main tourism B2B event: The Business Breakfast with The Ultimate Depth Magazine (an organizer of the Moscow Dive Show). Annually, on a Friday morning, we gather in the conference hall with owners and managers of dive clubs, tour companies, and travel organizers to casually enjoy coffee and pastries while discussing plans and news for the upcoming high season. After the breakfast, the exhibition management personally guides the guests through the exhibition hall to introduce all foreign participants. We will make sure to guide all the event participants to your booth.
- Grand Free Lottery Event. The Saturday evening will conclude with a spectacular event that attracts the maximum number of spectators – the Grand Free Lottery. Every visitor receives a personalized bracelet, offering everyone the chance to win valuable prizes, including equipment, travel packages, and educational opportunities. Additionally, you have the option to contribute a prize and personally present it to the winner. During this moment, you can briefly introduce your offerings while your videos and photos are showcased on a large screen.
- Thematic Videos for YouTube. After the exhibition, our operators will create, edit, and add captions to thematic videos. Each exhibiting company will be prominently featured in these videos, which will be published on the Moscow Dive Show's YouTube channel. This initiative aims to attract the attention of those who did not visit the Show.

For any inquiries about our support for your company's exhibiting at the Moscow Dive Show, please contact Galina Serova at pr@diveshow.ru.

We look forward to seeing your company among the exhibitors at the Moscow Dive Show. Our unwavering commitment is to assist you in expanding your clientele and garnering wider visibility within the Russian market, ultimately attracting a greater number of tourists, all while ensuring the success and cost-effectiveness of your participation.

Our dedicated team stands ready to provide comprehensive support to enhance your exhibition experience.