Home   /   News   /   TOP 3 best diving spots in Russia, unforgettable smell and the Fellow Traveler format for those who travel alone — director of the company Absolut Tour Maria Alekseeva in the mini-studio of the Ocean HD TV channel at the Moscow Dive Show 2024

TOP 3 best diving spots in Russia, unforgettable smell and the Fellow Traveler format for those who travel alone — director of the company Absolut Tour Maria Alekseeva in the mini-studio of the Ocean HD TV channel at the Moscow Dive Show 2024

24 Jul 2024

In the video:
— The most favorite destination of the director of "Absolut Tour"
— Do fish have memory?
— What does Antarctica offer divers and when does it make sense to go diving there?
— Whose smell can't the captain of the icebreaker forget?
— Do you need to feed sharks?
— How can a long stick help when meeting a shark?
— How does the "Fellow Traveler" format work?
— Diving in Russia — TOP 3 best places from "Absolut Tour"
— Why is diving with whales prohibited almost everywhere?
— Where to go to fall in love with diving once and for all?
— Where to look for underwater treasures?

Let's watch!


Dialogues with other studio guests can be viewed at the link https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0-dt7fQ2ou6TBRvYRfZHYt_jMm65NgdQ