Moscow Dive Show / Специальное предложение только для Египта

На главную Новости Moscow Dive Show / Специальное предложение только для Египта

19 Sen 2018

For the Russian diving market (including but not limited to Kazakhstan, Belarus and the Baltic), Egypt have always been and still is the #1 top destination, both for liveaboards and for on-shore resorts, despite the ongoing ban of charter flights.

Worth mentioning is that the event is good to collect deposits for your hot offers. Please develop a good package and pick your booth online – spots are still available though getting shorter week by week.

Most important: if no charter flights from Moscow to Sharm or Hurghada would resume until Feb 3 (last Moscow Dive Show business day), you'll be instantly refunded €40 per square meter of your paid booth space. Of course all discounts apply for bigger booths etc.

This is a fair offer, and we are sharing this risk with you as we really believe Egypt's Red Sea is essential to show-off in the Moscow Dive Show as a quality seal of our efforts.

For long-term promotion please consider ads in Russia's #1 diving magazine Ultimate Depth which is the founder of the Moscow Dive Show, presentation attached – there is a dedicated Red Sea Section wheer your underwater news could regularily appear.

Your positive feedback would be highly appreciated. Do not hesitate to ask questions.

Would be great to welcome you as an exhibitor in the Moscow Dive Show 2019. We won't disappoint you.

Please check out the general presentation

And couple of videos from the 2018 show:


With best regards

Maria Gaidukova, head of sales Moscow Dive Show