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PADI — международная дайв-ассоциация

Phone: +7 (499) 159-10-82
Web site: http://www.padi.com
E-mail: padi@padi.ru

PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors),is the world's largest organization which trains amateur divers in scuba diving and unites more than 136 000 qualified Professionals of PADI which devoted themselves to acquaint beginners with diving and to help to develop the skills to more skilled divers on the basis of 6300 dive-centers and resorts of PADI worldwide. Professionals of PADI annually issue about one million certificates, making underwater adventures available for the most general public and at the same time supporting the royal standards of training, safety and service in the industry.

The complete and effective system of training of divers is supported with existence of a full range of methodical and training materials, among which grants for tablet PCs and the online program of studying of the theory. The materials PADI are translated into 27 languages, one of which – Russian.

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